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⋙ Download What a young girl ought to know eBook Mary WoodAllen Sylvanus Stall

What a young girl ought to know eBook Mary WoodAllen Sylvanus Stall

Download As PDF : What a young girl ought to know eBook Mary WoodAllen Sylvanus Stall

Download PDF  What a young girl ought to know eBook Mary WoodAllen Sylvanus Stall

What a young girl ought to know. 236 pages.

What a young girl ought to know eBook Mary WoodAllen Sylvanus Stall

Burned through this book this morning. Pretty interesting considering what they cover and what they omit. The lessons on botany and animal life are pretty scientific for the era but when it comes to "fertilization by the male" any and all details are omitted. There are a few warnings against masturbation, but from the advertisements for the boy's series there's not much comparatively. Most of the latter half of the book focuses on not adopting bad habits (e.g. smoking, poor posture) and thinking good, pure thoughts (e.g. choosing books wisely). Overall, I found it a rather interesting read for the Christian focus and the science being presented though the format of "Twilight Talks" is a bit annoying if you choose to read it through instead of presenting it in bits to a small child. Will be looking out for more of this series, if I can find them.

Product details

  • File Size 510 KB
  • Print Length 196 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date October 23, 2013
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read  What a young girl ought to know eBook Mary WoodAllen Sylvanus Stall

Tags : Buy What a young girl ought to know: Read 1 Kindle Store Reviews -,ebook,Mary Wood-Allen, Sylvanus Stall,What a young girl ought to know,EDUCATION Non-Formal Education,FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS Love & Romance
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What a young girl ought to know eBook Mary WoodAllen Sylvanus Stall Reviews

Burned through this book this morning. Pretty interesting considering what they cover and what they omit. The lessons on botany and animal life are pretty scientific for the era but when it comes to "fertilization by the male" any and all details are omitted. There are a few warnings against masturbation, but from the advertisements for the boy's series there's not much comparatively. Most of the latter half of the book focuses on not adopting bad habits (e.g. smoking, poor posture) and thinking good, pure thoughts (e.g. choosing books wisely). Overall, I found it a rather interesting read for the Christian focus and the science being presented though the format of "Twilight Talks" is a bit annoying if you choose to read it through instead of presenting it in bits to a small child. Will be looking out for more of this series, if I can find them.
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